Author Archives: KazakhSTAN 2.0

A Leaderless Country?

A Leaderless Country?

On April 8, 2020, the official website of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan published the anticipated address of Nursultan Nazarbayev to his fellow citizens. Speaking from the point of view of preserving the current political stability, it would be better if the article never saw the light of day...

Is Bayseitov Hiding behind Khusainov?

Is Bayseitov Hiding behind Khusainov?

One of the continual discussions on our portal, apart from the internal political processes in Kazakhstan and the developments within the ruling elite, is the conflict between entrepreneur Bekzhan Kulbayev and a group of «fellows» led by co-owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank CenterCredit JSC Bakhytbek Bayseitov...