At the end of 2018, KazMunaiGas NC auctioned off one of its affiliated companies, KMG-Retail LLP. According to the announcement on the trading platform’s website, the auction did take place and the opening price of the filling station chain constituted only 59911782000 or about $150-160 mln...
Having tested the big business’ rescuing (and, simultaneously, redistributing) mechanism on the banking sector, the Kazakh ruling elite led by President Nazarbayev will now use it in the other fields. It seems the agroholdings are to become its next victim...
Based on the information provided by one of our insiders, the support of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s eldest daughter Dariga was one of the main factors that played in favor of Askar Mamin when he was chosen as Bakytzhan Sagintayev’s successor as Prime Minister...
“It may come as a surprise to you, but Kazakhstan was the last Soviet republic to declare independence. We had been sitting tight until the very last moment waiting for what was to come”, confessed Nursultan Nazarbayev at his meeting with Bill Clinton in 1994...
Populism as a policy is becoming progressively popular all around the globe. And Kazakhstan is no exception. Note that, lately, the populist tactics has become the choice of both President Nursultan Nazarbayev and his key opponent Mukhtar Ablyazov...
Yet another legal precedent has been created in Kazakhstan: an entrepreneur (who is also a member of an organized crime group) accused of oil stealing has been sentenced to a greater term in imprisonment than the group’s leader who, additionally, has been found guilty of several other serious crimes. As usual, it all boils down to politics...