Author Archives: KazakhSTAN 2.0

Nazarbayev Bugged Too?

Nazarbayev Bugged Too?

Amid the problems that have been rocking the country for several months now, the information about two thousands Kazakhs who have probably fallen victim to the Pegasus spy program developed by Israeli NSO Group seems like small potatoes. However, it only seems that way...   In our opinion, …

On Tokayev’s Latest Address

On Tokayev’s Latest Address

On July 10, 2021, Kossym-Jomart Tokayev chaired an extended meeting of the government during which the second President of the Republic of Kazakhstan demonstrated that the Kazakh state functioning in the manual control mode had de-facto suffered new defeats in combatting its numerous problems...

The Claim from a Dead Company

The Claim from a Dead Company

We are continuing the saga on how the two investors are fiercely and beyond the legal boundaries fighting for the Vavilonskoye polymetallic ore field in the East Kazakhstan region. Today, we would like to tell you about yet another Kazakh legal “novelty” that is likely to shock the foreign public...