
Leaning Towards China

Leaning Towards China

China remains the main country that Akorda expects to invest in Kazakhstan, primarily, in the resource sector and the large-scale processing industries. This, however, is not to be reflected in the Kazakhstanis’ employment status. This conclusion follows the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Kazakhstan government’s investment program.

Why is Mirziyoev going to Tajikistan?

Why is Mirziyoev going to Tajikistan?

Tajik-Uzbek relations are one of the cornerstone subjects in the analysis of situation in the region of Central Asia. None of the neighboring states have won from the confrontation lasting no less than quarter of a century, quite the opposite – it worsened economic development, especially in Tajikistan due to railroad blokade introduced by Tashkent. Plus, this state of affairs has worsened the main problem of the region – the lack of agreement for mutual use of its water-energy potential.

Kabul-Dushanbe: a knot of problems and interests of the region

Kabul-Dushanbe: a knot of problems and interests of the region

Afghanistan remains a “hot spot’ in Central Asia and any steps in the direction of peace and stability in that country benefit the entire region. Thus an upcoming official onset of building of Afghan stretch of the oil pipe TAPI (Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India) in Feb. in our opinion is a positive event.

Afghanistan: peace is but a lovely dream

Afghanistan: peace is but a lovely dream

In the second half of november press-secretary of the ministry of foreign affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova made a statement in which she expressed the concern with the increase in activity of the Islamic state organization (forbidden in Russia) in Northern Afghanistan and with the growing threat of terrorism in the regions of the country bordering Central Asia.