A Forecast for Aisultan Nazarbayev

A Forecast for Aisultan Nazarbayev

The high-profile scandal caused by Aisultan Nazarbayev’s revelations have done a serious political damage to his mother, the Speaker of the Senate of Kazakhstan’s Parliament and to his grandfather, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scale of this damage can be fully …

Is Bayseitov Hiding behind Khusainov?

Is Bayseitov Hiding behind Khusainov?

One of the continual discussions on our portal, apart from the internal political processes in Kazakhstan and the developments within the ruling elite, is the conflict between entrepreneur Bekzhan Kulbayev and a group of «fellows» led by co-owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank CenterCredit JSC Bakhytbek Bayseitov...

Three Problems of BCC

Three Problems of BCC

We are continuing following up and commenting on the conflict between entrepreneur Bekzhan Kulbayev and a «group of fellows» led by Bank CenterCredit’s co-owner and Chairman of Board of Directors Bakhytbek Bayseitov...

BCC Is «Drowning» In Kompromat

BCC Is «Drowning» In Kompromat

Our latest publication on the conflict between entrepreneur Bekzhan Kulbayev and a group of «buddies» from Bank CenterCredit has caused a big stir among those who is familiar with the story. This, among other things, is quite clear from the comments on the article...

Seizing Babylon?

Seizing Babylon?

Aysultan Nazarbayev’s father-in-law and Dariga Nazarbayeva’s co-parent-in-law Kayrat Boranbayev seems to have mixed himself up in a scandalous story with the double sale of the exploration licenses. We are talking about the fraudulent scheme targeting foreign investors...