Nigmatulin Failing Out?

Nigmatulin Failing Out?

After Dariga Nazarbayeva’s dismissal, her colleague from the Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulin seems to be loosing firm ground. On one hand, Baurzhan Baybek is confidently pushing him aside, one the other, there is the second President...

The Drive Against Dariga’s Clan Has Started

The Drive Against Dariga’s Clan Has Started

The recent arrest of certain Dauren Abdykhamitov in Almaty whose name has been mentioned in the Kazakh media in connection to the uber-scandalous case of LRT may do a serious damage to the clan of the Leader of the Nation’s eldest daughter Dariga Nazarbayeva and her son Nurali Aliyev. Let is explain why...

Who Supports BI Group

Who Supports BI Group

This material was prepared when Dariga Nazarbayeva was not simply chairing the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament but was abnormally active at this job interfering with literally everything that she came across. Nonetheless, we are publishing is here because, for Kazakhstan, the subject it touches upon is more than important and interesting...

Dariga Nazarbayeva and the Olimp Case

Dariga Nazarbayeva and the Olimp Case

A new intra-elite tension with more than serious consequences is forming around the criminal case related to organising illegal gambling business, betting firm Olimp whose owner, according to the insider information we have received, is close to Nurstultan Nazarbayev’s eldest daughter...