A new criminal case may be opened against Kazakh businessmen Margulan Seysembay. This assumption has been made by the businessman himself in his post on Facebook. He believes that the new turn of the law-enforcers’ activity has to do with the talk he has recently given at the Forum for Strategic Initiatives...
“It may come as a surprise to you, but Kazakhstan was the last Soviet republic to declare independence. We had been sitting tight until the very last moment waiting for what was to come”, confessed Nursultan Nazarbayev at his meeting with Bill Clinton in 1994...
The logic of the contemporary international conflict does indeed correlate to the logic of the Cold War. But what is going on today is not a spy thriller but a strategic confrontation in which Russia is trying to create a new system of the collective security working to its advantage. This system is to look more like the Viennese one than the Helsinki one.
Georgia, of Mikhail Saakashvili has effectively reformed not only police and government institutes but also the system of education – one of the defining spheres for a future of any country. In our opinion it is a very interesting experience, which is important to get acquainted with for anyone including KR officials.
Dear readers! As of today, our editorial staff will be on holiday until the 17th of August. During that time, there will be no updating of the portal (unless, of…
How can Kazakhstan become Norway, without following in the steps of Emirates? The answer to this complicated question was attempted by speakers of the economic forum that took place this June in Astana, within the framework of pannel section “The trap of medium income: challenges for Kazakshtan”. We offer our readers the most interesting in our opinion, fragments of speeches of participants of this discussion.