One of the global trends discussed in the “Paradox of Progress” report (ссылка на доклад «Парадоксы прогресса») is called the “economy shift”. In real practice, this term means the economic slowdown of the industrially developed countries with good social infrastructure.
It is customary to assume that Kazakhstan and Russia are two closely-knit financial-economic realms, however each one of them has its own specificities. We asked the chief analyst of GK TeleTrade Piotr Pushkarev to compare processes taking place in Kazakh and Russian financial sectors.
In the past few months Russian ruble has strengthened its positions against US dollar and euro, the same happened to Kazakhstani tenge. Meanwhile Russian economic sources and many experts warn that the situation will change soon, and Russian ruble might lose its weight against US dollar. In Kazakhstan, however, ministries and National bank of KR don’t make any forecasts with regards to exchange rates, citing that the latter is determined by the markets.
By the middle of the 21st century, the North and the South of Kazakhstan will become a part of the South Kazakhstan. This demographic transformation will inevitably lead to a socio-economic one with a change of the economic structure and creation of new elites. You
The first spot in the rating of Kazakhstanis’ fears at the end of 2016 was taken by unemployment and impoverishment, beating terrorist attacks and impunity related to corruption. Such conclusions were drawn by sociologists from the center for social and political research “Strategia” based on the results of conducted survey.
The world is due for a major shakeup and only sustainable governments will be able to withstand it. Such conclusion can be drawn from the report titled “Paradoxes of progress”, published by the national intelligence council of the US this January. In it, there is an analysis of major tendencies that will determine the development of world civilization throughout the next decades.