“Recharging” Dariga Nazarbayeva

“Recharging” Dariga Nazarbayeva

In the period of transition, the Kazakh elite clans are forced to change in order to strengthen their influence and, sometimes, to even simply stay afloat (this task is especially complicated given the non-public nature of the Kazakh political life). Dariga Nazarbayeva’s clan is no exception – her sons are grown now and can become real rivals to the “old guard”.    

A Road to Nowhere

A Road to Nowhere

The Kazakh authorities of today can be compared with airplane pilots flying high above the ground and looking at the country through a veil of clouds. On the one hand, they can see everything. On the other hand, however, they can only guess what is really happening down there. Therefore, they are afraid. And the higher they fly, the more scared they are.