Last week the date of the presidential election was announced. It will be held on November 19 2017. Despite the constitutional reform that will strengthen the powers of the prime minister and the parliament, a presidential seat still remains the most prestigious one in Kyrgyzstan, especially since a decrease in powers means a decrease in responsibilities, and the presidential term is long enough to fully enjoy being on the top.
A war against corruption, abuse of positions and embezzlement of public funds, has reached a scope, where it is not out of place to mention Stalin-era purges. Even though branding the current situation as such would be a gross exaggeration, some resemblance with the year 1937 is still there.
Pressurizing opposition activists, arresting state officials… The situation in Kazakhstan is getting bleaker every day. There is a crisis on, and it seems that Akorda is trying to rebalance things but not for the purpose of shifting the power from the president to his successor. Their goal is to preserve the status quo.
Following the US presidential elections, experts are wondering in what direction the multifaceted international policy of Kazakhstan will change. Some say it will remain the same while others believe that these potential changes depend directly on how the US relationship with Kazakhstan’s two neighbors – Russia and China – are going to develop.
In 25 years of independence, not all Central Asian republics were able to build real system of governance, say Russian experts Alexey Malashenko and Andrey Grozin.
The Kazakh authorities believe last year’s property legalization campaign was a success. However, to achieve it, the government had to rework drastically the initial conditions of it.