About “Bonus” Out of the Investor

About “Bonus” Out of the Investor

Judging by the information from the public sources, Governor of the East-Kazakhstan region Daniyal Akhmetov, with his son Talgat’s assistance, has secured one of the top spots in the regional governors’ rating in terms of attracting foreign investments. One should not, however, expect a large-scale inflow of money into the region. Let us explain why it is so.

On the Airbus New Deal

On the Airbus New Deal

Akorda is planning to purchase yet another satellite. Based on our sources, the Airbus aerospace concern, once again, will play the role of the supplier. Yes, exactly, that very same concern that is being investigated by the French authorities in connections with the bribes and the corruption schemes of its top-management. Let us tell you all about it in detail.

The Anti-Corruption Pranks

The Anti-Corruption Pranks

A kind of pre-New Year prank has been played on the merry officials of the Almaty region. According to our sources, the senior staff of the local anti-corruption agency is paying its employees the amount of one thousand tenge for obtaining compromising pictures taken at celebratory festivities.

The Mystery Surrounding Prime Minister

The Mystery Surrounding Prime Minister

Some large-scale changes in the state power balance are going to happen in Kazakhstan. According to our sources, most likely, these changes will take place from December 16, 2017 to February 2018 and affect a wide circle of state officials. The main mystery, however, surrounds the candidates for the position of Prime Minister. The wars for this chair are already fully under way.