Recent realignments in Kazakh media-propagandist structures speak of the fact that the minister of information and communications of RK Dauren Abaev is far from the main person in that sphere and moreover he isn’t even a master in his own institution.
In order to prove the validity of these claims it is enough to look at recent appointments: Artur Nigmetov was appointed director of RGU “agency of central communications” of the ministry of information and communications, Berik Abdygaliuly was appointed director of scientific-research center “Sacrament Kazakhstan” under the ministry of culture and sport of RK and Evgeniy Kochetov was appointed chairman of the board of AO Kazkontent.
According to our information, Kochetov is Adilbek Jaksybekov’s man, who is the head of presidential administration and has lobbied for his appointment. Nigmetov and Abdygaliuly however, received their positions thanks to the chairman of the board of AO RTRK Kazakhstan Erlan Karin, who is gradually becoming “shadow king” under deputy head of the presidential administration of RK Marat Tajin.
By the way, the latter tried to put his man to the position of chairman of the board of AO Kazkontent but failed – that institution’s budget is too big.
Due to this a diarchy has formed in the governmental ideological and media-propagandist apparatus. On one hand minister of media and communications of the country Dauren Abaev is showing unusual activity in the media, trying to repeat the success of one of his predecessors, but at the same time is losing bureaucratically; on the other hand Erlan Karin is unofficially advancing to an equal position, putting his people and using the direct support of Marat Tajin.
Evidently such a situation cannot continue for long. If only because the position of chairman of the board of AO RTRK Kazakhstan doesn’t allow Mr. Karin much wiggle room, and Abaev can’t give in to him all the time. This is why it can be assumed that in the fall, Marat Tajin will start lobbying for Erlan Karin to replace Abaev.
Chances that presidential administration of RK will support this proposal are pretty high. And then, Erlan Karin will face Erjan Babakumarov – current deputy head of the secretariat of the prime minister of RK head on.
The thing is that Babakmuratov received this position thanks to Karim Masimov, former prime minister and current head of CNS of RK. Masimov’s attempts to advance Babakmuratov up the corporate ladder making him the head of the secretariat, hasn’t proved successful. Based on some information, a corresponding order of the head of the state was even signed, but somehow the appointment failed.
This is why the seat of the ministry of information and communications of RK would quite satisfy Erjan Babakmuratov, who back in the day, while working as the head of the central communications agency under president of RK, was one of the key people in the state media-propagandist apparatus; in that position he was much more influential then when serving as vice-minister of culture and information of RK.
If Maksimov will be able to lobby the appointment Babakmuratov before Nazarbaev, he will dramatically increase his domestic policy positions. It can be assumed that after holding EXPO-2017 president will definitely draw conclusions not only with regards to the world exhibition, but also on the activity of the government, local akims, i.e. conducting a major shakedown and renewing the top of the apparatus. This means that Dauren Abaev can lose his seat. However, who will replace him will depend not only on Erlan Karin’s and Babakmuratov’s desire but also on position of other influential Akorda members.