Economics & Business

Where will National bank’s ideas lead

Where will National bank’s ideas lead

Interview of the deputy head of the National bank of RK Oleg Smolyakov to Kursiv, with a telling title “There won’t be NKVD trio in National bank” didn’t catch a widespread attention of the public. Meanwhile, Mr. Akishev’s ally insolently announced ideas that, in the case of successful realization will once again prove that it is good intentions that pave the road to hell.

Why is the Prognosis on the National Fund Not Feasible?

Why is the Prognosis on the National Fund Not Feasible?

During the governmental discussion on the state budget prognosis, Kazakhstan National Economy Minister Timur Suleymanov has presented a thought provoking data. In his words, with the oil price of $45 per barrel and the decrease of the guaranteed transfer, the total amount of the Kazakhstan’s National Fund resources will constitute $62.4 bln in 2020 (32.5% of the country’s GDP).