Shukeev’s protectionism

The head of Kazakh government and the leader of the nation has talked multiple times about the so-called command transfers of officials and managers of quasi-governmental structures, and RK agency on the affairs of the government service and counteracting of corruption, judging from the statements of the new head of this institute Alik Shpekbaev, consistently and systemically fights this evil and even achieved certain level of success.

Sadly, it seems like the fight is done only on paper. And this isn’t surprising since when a law or some other legislative act contradicts with lifestyle, reality always wins in Kazakhstan. Interestingly, this happens with many negative things in the country – for instance, with corruption, indulgencies and various toys and desire to show off in front of the public: formally and publicly they are condemned and persecuted, but are still practiced by everyone and always.

In proving that so-called “command” transfers of managers following their leaders is a norm, we will give a telling example – appointment of Ulan Tajibaev as a chairman of the board of NAO “National agrarian scientific-educational center”. In our opinion, it became possible only because of his appointment as a minister of agriculture of RK.

Otherwise, non-comercial joint stock company with a multi-billion budget still would have been headed by Askar Nametov, who headed the board under Askar Myrzakhmetov and spent two years in that position, until in November of 2017 he didn’t become a dean of the West-Kazakhstan agrarian-technical university named after Janghir Khan. Or it would be headed by the interim chairman Damir Egizbaev who was in that position from Dec. 8 2017 until Feb. 2018.

For credibility let’s analyze working history of Tajibaev Ulan taken from the website of NAO.

“Ulan Tajibaev was born on July 14 1977.


A graduate of KazNU Al-Farabi (International relations and law)

Executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa (IE) Business School, Madrid Spain.

Professional experience

Through the years he worked in private companies in the sphere of law and policy-making. Has an extensive experience in public work at senior jobs in the sphere of organizing the activities of government apparatus.

2004-2006 – deputy head of the apparatus of akim of Astana

2006-2007 – deputy head of the apparatus of South-Kazakhstan oblast.

2007-2011 –  advisor of the first deputy head of Prime minister

2012-2016 – head of the apparatus of AO Samruk Kazyna

2012-2016 – CO of human resources and communication and member of the board of AO Samruk Kazyna

After the meeting of the board of directors of NAO dating feb. 9 2018 no3 appointed chairman of the board of NAO.


Awarded the medal Eren enbegi ushin in 2009, order Kurmet in 2015

And now let’s compare the career of Ulan Tajibaev with that of current vice-PM and minister of agriculture of RK Umirzak Shukeev. Let’s also use Wikipedia as a source. Here are the positions Umirzak Estaevich took up:

Mar 2004- Sep 2006 – akim of Astana

Sep 2006 – Aug 2007 – akim of South Kazakhstan oblast

Aug 2007 -Mar 2009 -deputy head of PM of Rk

Mar 2009 – dec 2011 – first deputy head of PM of RK

Dec 2011 – Dec 2017 – chairman of the board of FNB Samruk Kazyna

From 15 dec. 2017 – vice PM and minister of agriculture of RK

Judging from the complete match of workplaces of Ulan Tajibaev and Umirzak Shukeev, the former followed the latter religiously, always assuming a position nearby, you could say at a distance of extended hand. This means that Tajibaev is (as they say in Kazakhstan) Shukeev’s man, i.e part of his team.

As such appointment of Ulan Tajibaev as the chairman of the board of NAO NASEC is a clear case of mentioned command transfer and violation of not only ethical but also legal norms, that every government official in Kazakhstan is supposed to follow, and also is the case of unambiguous instructions of the head of the state on the matter.

However, there is no doubt that Umirzak Shukeev and his apointee won’t undergo any punishment; at least now. The problem of Kazakhstani super-presidential vertical, is that multitude of various elite groups and clans are operating within it, and thus there is a severe issue of trust, and it is impossible to work without it, not to mention serious reforms. At the same time, NAO NASEC – is a key figure in carrying the program of reformation of agriculture, since it controls three agrarian institutes, 23 research institutes with 31 campuses, 7 experienced farms, 7 breeding stations, 4 service companies.

Thus, Shukeev as a professional manager and experienced administrator, couldn’t appoint a stranger in charge of such a powerful structure with a multi-billion budget. Also, if he succeeds in achieving at least a quarter of what he and his deputies already announce, he will end up a winner and thus will be forgiven such little issue. If not however, or if Shakeev himself or his people will be exposed in corruption scandal, misuse of funds or authority abuse, then he will be presented among other transgressions with not following the ban of the leader of the nation on command transfers.


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